Cybercrime and Internet crime in India | Indian Cyber Army
Cybercrime is any illegal activity that involves a computer or network-connected device, such as a mobile phone. The Department of Justice divides cybercrime into three categories: Crimes in which the device is the target, for example, to gain network access. Crimes in which the System is used as a weapon, for example, to launch a denial of service (DoS) attack. Crimes in which System is used as an accessory to a crime, for example, using a computer to store illegally-obtained data. Computer crime could be a general term that embraces such crimes as phishing, credit card frauds, banking frauds, illegal downloading, industrial undercover work, child pornography, kidnapping children via chat rooms, scams, cyber terrorism, creation and/or distribution of viruses, Spam and so on. All such crimes are computer related and facilitated crimes. With the evolution of the web, on came another revolution of crime wherever the perpetrators commit acts of crime and wrong...