Cybercrime and Internet crime in India | Indian Cyber Army
Cybercrime is any illegal activity that involves a computer or network-connected device, such as a mobile phone. The Department of Justice divides cybercrime into three categories:
- Crimes in which the device is the target, for example, to gain network access.
- Crimes in which the System is used as a weapon, for example, to launch a denial of service (DoS) attack.
- Crimes in which System is used as an accessory to a crime, for example, using a computer to store illegally-obtained data.
Computer crime could be a general term that embraces such crimes as phishing, credit card frauds, banking frauds, illegal downloading, industrial undercover work, child pornography, kidnapping children via chat rooms, scams, cyber terrorism, creation and/or distribution of viruses, Spam and so on. All such crimes are computer related and facilitated crimes.
With the evolution of the web, on came another revolution of crime wherever the perpetrators commit acts of crime and wrongdoing on the world Wide internet. Internet crime takes many faces and is committed in diverse fashions.
A number of users and their diversity in their makeup has exposed the Internet to everyone. Some criminals on the Internet have grown up understanding this superhighway of information, unlike the older generation of users.
This is why Internet crime has now become a growing problem in the India. Some crimes committed on the web are exposed to the world and a few remain a mystery up till they are perpetrated against somebody or some company.
Most Common and harmful cybercrime in India:-
Cyber Crime in India – With the advent of technology life has become much easier in this 21st century. Now these time You can easily book railway tickets from mobile, pay bills instantly, perform online shopping etc. These are possible only due to advancement in technology of the Internet.
Cybercrime can be categorized into :
- Cybercrime against person
- Cyberstalking
- Cyberstalking
- Cracking
- Defamation
- Online fraud
- child pornography
- Spoofing
- Cybercrime against property.
- Transmitting virus
- Cybersquatting
- Cyber Vandalism
- Intellectual Property Crimes
- Cybercrime against a government.
- Cyber Warfare
- Cyber Terrorism
- Cybercrime against society.
- Online Gambling
- Cyber Trafficking
How Indian Cyber Army Helps you?
INDIAN CYBER ARMY is an Association of Ethical Hackers & RESOURCE CENTER for National Police Agencies, Intelligence Agencies, Research Centers, Industry Experts, Government Agencies, Academic Leaders along with Individuals to meet the long-term security challenges in the digital arena of the modern world, by bridging the gap between the latest changes and innovations in the cyberspace.
Indian Cyber Army always available to Protect you against the Cybercrime and Internet Crime Most of the people don't know that what they can do when Cybercrime and Internet crime happened to them. You do not need to roaming somewhere you just Call our Indian cyber Army helpline number +91-99686 00000 and talk to our experts they solve your problem very soon.
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